Thursday, March 25, 2021


Listen more and talk less. People who are struggling want/need to be listened to and heard, your input not necessary. Working on being present when listening is a challenge at times - especially when you're in your head trying to figure out what you can say in response - even though they are not even finished speaking yet. There is freedom in being present. Worry doesn't exist in the present, neither does regret.  


  1. I know there is a section on "active listening" in Elena Aguilar's coaching book. I think I might benefit from some practice! Being present takes practice!

  2. We could get better at listening! Active listening does take some practice.

  3. Boom - the way you ended it. Outstanding. Also I had to chuckle because I connected with your topic and then found myself drifting off by like the 3rd sentence! And I mean that as the opposite of knocking your writing: it immediately had me fixated on my own inability to focus at times - so well done! Haha - good slice.

  4. I use to talk with students about this all the time. I talked about listening and hearing. You can hear a person but did you really listen to them. Listening is hard work. Thanks for bringing this idea up! A good one to think about! and practice!

  5. Cool description of that listening limbo, a meditative pause free of worry or regret. Your slice reminded me of a favorite acronym offered by a professional coach who regularly used it to check herself from blurting out when she ought to be listening: WAIT - Why Am I Talking?


Falling Through the Cracks on the Porch

  On Sunday, a friend and I were sitting on the deck practicing for an upcoming interview. It was getting pretty warm sitting in the direct ...