Monday, March 15, 2021

For the Birds


It's been a year since I started being interested in watching birds. I don't know how I've come to be just like all the older women in my family. I am an animal lover and enjoy all kinds of creatures but there is something about birds, from majestic hawks to cute little finches and glorious hummingbirds, that I just can't resist. I've even condsidered buying a bird feeder and a birdbath. For a hot minute, I debated asking my landlord if I could purchase a hen house to raise some chickens. I am truly puzzled. What is happening to me?


  1. In my family we call it "drinking the koolaid." Both my sisters and my niece are avid birders now, tracking their every sighting on e-bird. I go along for the chance to be outside with company - quiet company listening for birds.

  2. I LOVE birds. I, too, would love to reaise some chickens. Embrace it! :-)

  3. Oh, friend! We love birds, too! We have feeders and baths and identification books. But something also that we have enjoyed is a singing bird we can identify bird calls.

  4. Have you visited this fellow slicer? I thought of her post as soon as I read yours. Birds of a feather 😉

  5. I also love birds and am working to redesign my back yard to be more bird friendly. Chickens are a lot of work but might be fun!
    Enjoy the song of the spring birds!


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