Monday, March 8, 2021

Snow Days

In the early morning hours, I was dreaming of a snow day. 

I was reminiscing about the unexpected snow storms that blew in late February and early March in Maine. What a treat it was to wake up, turn on the tv to see the scrolling list of school districts that were closed for the day, discovering mine was with the rest of them. I would joyfully climb back into bed to snooze until my body itched to get up. 

The days that were gray with snow falling in flakes so thick you couldn't see more than a few feet in front of you were my favorite. I would bundle up and go out to get a head start shoveling the porch and pathway, brushing the snow off the car, just to see it all accumulate once more. When my hat and gloves turned wet and heavy, I would return indoors for hot chocolate and a good book to read by the picture window. Those days were indulgent and guilt free.

As a kid, my brothers and I would spend the entire day outside. We would build snow forts, jump off the deck into the softly piled snow to see how far we would sink, snowshoe across our field to visit the animals in the barn, go inside to warm up with soup and grilled cheese and change out our woolen socks, mittens and hats for new ones to get back outside before our mom would find some chores for us to do.

I wish the joy snow days brought for me, for everyone.


  1. This is the perfect vision of snow days!

  2. I am glad my district had a few "real" snow days! Virtual learning is helpful in not making up so many, but that comes at a price.

    Love this description of what snow days ought to be!

  3. Growing up in Western New York in the 60's and 70's we had quite a few snow days caused by lake effect snow. It was like a gift when we had the day off from school due to snow. My boys (3) grew up in Wisconsin where snow days are less likely but still bring as much joy when they occur. I wonder if snow days will become a thing of the past? I hope not!

  4. Iowa and Minnesota both have given me plenty of snow days but this year I am glad for an early spring. Love you story of snow days!

  5. Excellent imagery to convey several snow-day moments you remember.


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