Thursday, March 4, 2021

Spring Weather in Northern Cali

The weather is gorgeous outside. What I wouldn't give for a lawn chair and my book to read right now! The warmth of the sun and cool breeze in the air is the sweet spot I longingly await each spring and autumn. It is here today. I plan to leave my classroom earlier than usual, head home, dig out the cushions for the patio furniture, and settle in with a good book for as long as the sunlight allows. 


  1. Oooh, your spot sounds delightful! I love to read or write on my deck when the weather is good too! Good for you for getting out of work in time to enjoy it! (No such luck here in Ohio - it's cloudy and blustery today!)

  2. We had some warmth and sun today as well - just not warm enough to sit out with the melting snow. Enjoy your read outside!

  3. I am so jealous! We are nowhere near patio furniture yet. I cannot wait!

  4. Warm sun + just-cool-enough breeze = delightful. Enjoy.


Falling Through the Cracks on the Porch

  On Sunday, a friend and I were sitting on the deck practicing for an upcoming interview. It was getting pretty warm sitting in the direct ...