Wednesday, March 17, 2021

three for me


the sun shines

naps are awesome

cats are cool

dogs are fun

middle schoolers rock

work feels good

wealth is abundant

boys are living

grateful for home

truck is running

bills are paid

food in fridge

spirit is close

friends are kind

giving away weight

wisdom is awesome

bed is comfortable 

living good life


  1. I love this format! I've never seen it before. So many wonderful ideas for how to create pieces innovatively. I love it. Thanks so much for sharing. Simplicity at its finest.

    ~Carla Michelle

  2. These lines of three words are so powerful and rhythmic, in their simplicity! It is like a hymn of gratitude.

  3. I nice idea - I like the three words - you can say so much with so little. Thanks

  4. The truck is OK! That's my main takeaway from this slice :)


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